Permanent banned pubg mobile from india |
Avoiding the miss use of data and privacy of indian player of pubg mobile, Indian Goverment banned pubg mobile. In this type of ban, pubg mobile game is removed from the google play store. So people can not download this game app.
They were downloading app from third party website and played daily. This is an illegal way. People are not follow the goverment rule and regulation.
Pubg mobile shutdown all server and access from India
Now pubg mobile decided to shutdown all the server and access from the india. So the player who played this game, can not play after 30 Oct, 2020.
Pubg mobile tweet this news on twitter today. You can read this tweet below.
This is an official news from the pubg mobile. From the date 30 Oct 2020, Indian people can not play this popular game. Because pubg mobile from this date all the access are removed from the india.
So it is bad news for pubg lover who played it more and more. But for the purpose of privacy, it is the right decision from the goverment to banned pubg moblie permanent.
Read:- Fortnite Banned
As we know that india will launched Faug game soon. Which is alternative of the player's unkown battle ground. This game will lauched in next month. Date of launching Faug game is not decided yet.
So in the last, I want to give some advice to to game player who are playing pubg mobile game currently. You should not play a game which banned from the goverment of country. If a goverment banned something, it means that it is good for you.
If you really want to play pubg mobile, then there is an alternative option is Faug game. Which will launched in next month.
You need to wait till lauching of the Faug game.